Inclusive Leadership

Inclusive Leadership


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Cost of the Live Webinar






LSO - 4.0h | LSBC - 4.0h | HRPA - 4.0h | CPA ON - 4.0h | EGBC - 4.0h | CPHRBC - 4.0h

Inclusive Leadership

The concept of the workplace has dramatically shifted over the last 20 years. Where once offices were defined by homogeneous teams of professionals working closely to serve their clients, today’s reality includes telecommuting, where professionals, though often physically distant, are equally engaged in their organizational roles.

This evolution reflects a broader distinction between ‘company’ and ‘workplace,’ embracing professionals from diverse backgrounds including various gender identities and cultural heritages. Such diversity is now seen as a reflection of modern Canadian society, with each member contributing uniquely to the collective success of their organization.

Our workshop on inclusive leadership is tailored to address these changes. It provides practical tools and insights to foster an environment where diversity, equity, and inclusion are more than ideals—they are actionable practices that enhance team cohesion and productivity.


This workshop will help you to:

  • Understand what inclusive leadership is
  • Understand why it is important for every professional and entrepreneur
  • Recognize the benefits of a diverse professional team
  • Maximize the potential of your work team
  • Achieve better performance from your entire team
  • Improve your ability to communicate well with those around you
  • Learn how to become an inclusive leader
  • Know how to handle specific situations with tact
  • Encourage behaviors that promote inclusion

In this training, you will also discover:

  • The importance of inclusive leadership in creating productive and harmonious work environments
  • How great inclusive leaders think and act
  • The way the best leaders manage conflictual situations
  • How to effectively navigate and address discrimination and harassment
  • Many exercises that will help you to get to know yourself better and reach your full potential


To register, click on the date below.

Paul Berube

Program Contents:

Understanding Inclusive Leadership

• Definition of Inclusive Leadership (I.L.)
• Importance of Inclusive Leadership
• Challenges in becoming an inclusive leader

The Difference Between I.L. and D.E.I.

• Definition of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (D.E.I.)
• How I.L. differs from D.E.I.

Enhancing Communication for Inclusive Leadership

• Steps to become an inclusive leader
• Preventing and addressing discrimination and harassment at the workplace
• Common symptoms of a non-inclusive environment
• Importance of language and communication

Challenges of Inclusive Leadership

• Personal and relational core behaviors
• Assessment and improvement of inclusive leadership skills

Strategies for Inclusive Leadership

• Seven-step strategy to foster inclusive leadership
• Training and development programs
• Implementation and continuous improvement

At the end of this workshop, you will have the best toolbox on hand to become a great Leader of Inclusion.

Specialized corporate training

Paul Berube


Lawyer, educator, inclusive leadership specialist, speaker, professional trainer, and corporate manager.

Mr. Bérubé holds a Bachelor of Laws degree from Université Laval (Québec City). He is a member of the Quebec Bar and an Honorary member of the Port-au-Prince Bar (Haiti). He has received awards in 2019 from two universities in India (Lucknow and Prayagraj) for his contribution to protecting the rights of people with disabilities in that country. As a wheelchair user for many years, he has served as a consultant for the United Nations Human Rights Commission. He is a current member of the International Senior Lawyers Project (New York, NY).

As President of the Board of Directors of Independent Living Canada from 1999 to 2010, Mr Bérubé is an international speaker on protecting the rights of people with disabilities, accessibility standards, and inclusive leadership. He has delivered numerous speeches in Japan, South Korea, France, Haiti, Kenya, South Africa, India, El Salvador, Argentina, Sri Lanka, West Africa, Central Africa, and East Africa and has also been a guest speaker in all the provinces and territories of Canada.

In 2019, the Governor of the Council of Canada appointed him the first-ever President of the Board of Directors of Accessibility Standards Canada. Currently serving as Vice President of the Canadian Soccer Association, he continues to provide training and deliver speeches on good governance and inclusive leadership.

His unique experience as a lawyer and international perspective have taught him how to manage difficult situations when living with a difference. Additionally, his experience as a corporate manager working with diverse groups has given him a deep understanding of the other side of the coin. He consistently ensures that everyone’s contribution is recognized.

Please note that HIS TRAINING IS NOT THEORETICAL. It is grounded in 40 years of lived experience in the community, making him the best person to offer training on Inclusive leadership.


This Live webinar program contains 4 hours of EDI Professionalism content from LSO.*

This program contains 4 hours of Approved CPD content from The Law Society of British Columbia (LSBC).

This program is Pre-Approved for 4 CPD hours from CPHR BC & Yukon.

4 verifiable CPD hours of Professional Ethics for the Triennial requirement of CPA Ontario.**

4 hours of Continuing Education (CE) on Ethical Learning for the mandatory continuing education requirement from the Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC).***

4 hours of Continuing Professional Development activities on Team Effectiveness principles for the Formal Activity requirement by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA).****

4 hours of Continuing Education (CE) for the mandatory continuing education requirement from the Quebec Engineers Association (OIQ).

4 hours of learnings that supports engineering practice for the Supplementary CPD requirement of PEO***


*As EDI Professionalism Hours are a subset of Professionalism Hours, the same EDI hour counts for both EDI and regular Professionalism CPD hours and the extra hours goes toward Substantive CPD Hours.

**After completing the workshop, a 4 CPD hours certificate will be given to you which can be used to accumulate your mandatory CPD Professional Ethics hours and other CPD verifiable hours from the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA Ontario). This workshop focus on Ethical business culture. As indicated in the Guide to CPD requirement, Professional ethics CPD must be relevant to a member’s responsibilities and competencies as a CPA to develop and maintain professional competence, and it is up to CPA members to determine which learning activities best contribute to their competency in order to submit activities for CPD hours.

***After completing the workshop, a 4 Continuing Education (CE) hours certificate on Ethical Learning will be given to you which can be used to accumulate your mandatory continuing education requirement from the Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC). As indicated in the Guide to the Continuing Education Program, CE hours will apply when the workshop helps maintain the member’s competency and it is up to the member to determine if a specific workshop contributes to his competency in order to submit activities for CE hours. The Ethical Learning category does reference Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the list of applicable topics.

****After completing the workshop, a 4 CPD hour certificate will be given to you which can be used to accumulate your Formal Activity requirement from APEGA. As indicated on APEGA’s Professional Practice Standard for Continuing Professional Development, licensed professionals are responsible for choosing relevant CPD activities that best enhance their technical and professional skills.

***After completing the workshop, a 4 CPD hours certificate will be given to you which can be used to accumulate your Supplementary CPD hours from PEO. As indicated in the Guide to CPD requirement, it is up to PEO members to determine which learning activities best contribute to their competency in order to submit activities for CPD hours.

This session provided both an excellent reminder of some principles that I was already familiar with and also brought new insight to my development as an inclusive leader. I hope to model the positive concepts taught at this course.

Michael M.