From Diversity to Equity and Inclusion!

From Diversity to Equity and Inclusion!


8:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

Cost of the Live Webinar


BAR - 7.5h | CNQ - 7.5h | ING - 7.5h

From Diversity, to Equity and Inclusion! Your keys for success in a changing world!


The importance of mastering equity, inclusion and diversity.

Social change is all around us. Society is becoming more diverse and this diversity is increasingly reflected in all facets of the workplace. This includes your clients, your colleagues and your competitors.

This proliferation of backgrounds, cultures, preferences and lifestyle choices is both a source of challenges and opportunities. To seize the opportunities, you need to overcome the hurdles. That is where our training program comes in.

When planning your responses to clients questions and needs, diversity provides you with the opportunity to achieve the best outcome. This results in an enhanced standing of your legal practice in the community.

Diplomacy is paramount. Cultural differences must be understood and addressed in a diplomatic and constructive fashion. Careers and reputations have been ruined due to unnecessary or inappropriate remarks.

There is no doubt that managing diversity is a challenge onto itself. A single situation can elicit different interpretations and may invite a variety of reactions. One needs the ability to see the whole picture.

That is precisely what our three-and-a-half-hour training session on Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity is designed to help you achieve.

Why pursue Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity training?
Because the legal profession:

  • Puts people first
  • Leads by example
  • Gets it right

How you benefit from our Equity, Inclusion and Diversity training program:

  • Understanding why equity, inclusion and diversity are so important, but a challenge to achieve
  • Learning how to make sure everyone is treated fairly and feels included
  • Becoming aware of cultural sensitivities and developing a system to navigate thus avoiding pitfalls
  • Creating a communication style that fosters equity and inclusion
  • Strengthening your insight to succeed in an increasingly diverse world
  • Cultivating cultural smarts


To register, click on the date below.

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Program Contents:

A wealth of content for future use


  • The purpose of the training session
  • Living and working on our “Diversity Planet”
  • The need to generate healthy and efficient workplace environments
  • Ontario legal professional responsibility to uphold human rights

Inclusion and diversity in the workplace

    • Inclusion: a basic and fundamental human need
    • Defining equity, inclusion and diversity, how they interact
    • Inclusion and diversity in the workplace: progress, trends and challenges
    • Why do we need equity and inclusion?
    • What is the added value of diversity?
    • How does equity support inclusion and lead to diversity?
    • Addressing the specific needs of legal workplaces
    • Addressing and overcoming power play and privilege as challenges to inclusion
    • How to foster an empowering culture of inclusion, from words to actions and beyond

The challenges of diversity

  • Understanding identity and culture
  • Understanding the diversity-adverse mind
  • Understanding cognitive biases 

Mapping cultural diversity

  • Understanding cultural homophily (why birds of a feather flock together)
  • Being sensitive to all types of diversity
  • Using a cultural map to navigate diversity and identify cultural and gender differences
  • Recognizing personality types and adjusting your approach and strategies

The keys to implementing equity

  • Assertiveness and team inclusion
  • Developing an assertive communication style to foster equity
  • Being sensitive to the impact of daily verbal, behavioural and environmental indignities
  • Being aware of personal sensitivities (hot-button issues) for various people and groups
  • Self-analysis: staying objective
  • Handling misinterpretations, misunderstandings and problems arising from your viewpoint
  • Navigating different cultures and styles in meetings or negotiations, to achieve a Win-Win outcome

Emotional Stability with respect to cultural and gender diversity

  • Understanding that what you say and how you say it, are both critical
  • Asking yourself the right questions before acting or reacting
  • Developing emotional maturity and assertiveness to say what you need to say without attacking other people’s dignity
  • Gaining mastery over your emotions

How to develop, implement and measure the success of an inclusion and diversity strategy

  • Preventing discrimination and harassment and addressing them whenever they occur

In closing          

  • Preparing a personal improvement action plan and sharing it with at least two colleagues



This Live webinar program contains 4 hours of EDI Professionalism content from LSO.*

This program contains 4 hours of Approved CPD content from The Law Society of British Columbia (LSBC).

4 hours of Continuing Education (CE) on Ethical Learning for the mandatory continuing education requirement from the Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC).**

4 hours of Continuing Education (CE) for the mandatory continuing education requirement from the Quebec Engineers Association (OIQ).


*As EDI Professionalism Hours are a subset of Professionalism Hours, the same EDI hour counts for both EDI and regular Professionalism CPD hours and the extra hours goes toward Substantive CPD Hours.

**After completing the workshop, a 4 Continuing Education (CE) hours certificate on Ethical Learning will be given to you which can be used to accumulate your mandatory continuing education requirement from the Engineers and Geoscientists BC (EGBC). As indicated in the Guide to the Continuing Education Program, CE hours will apply when the workshop helps maintain the member’s competency and it is up to the member to determine if a specific workshop contributes to his competency in order to submit activities for CE hours. The Ethical Learning category does reference Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the list of applicable topics.

Thank you for the Equity and Inclusion Strategies workshop. I thought it was a really good program and enjoyed it very much. Thanks to Fares for such a stimulating session.

Ted Crysler